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Setting up Oauth for web and native apps is such a PITA it’s worth documenting it all here.


First an ‘associated url’ is needed. This means when redirect back to ‘’ the iOS app will have the callback details sent to it.

First step is registering the site with Apple. This is done with a json file called ‘apple-app-site-association’ that needs to be in a folder called ‘.well-known’ in the root of the website. This should then be deployed. Full instructions here.

Next is to add an ‘Associated Domains’ entitlement to the iOS project file. It can be found under ‘Targets > native > Signing & Capabilities > +‘. It then needs a single entry for the applink ‘applinks:app’.


Before any changes to the app can be made an assetlinks.json file needs to be deployed to the associated website. This ends up being deployed as

This file contains a fingerprint from the key used to sign the app. Google handle the signing of the production app. While a debug.keystore is used for local builds. Both fingerprints have been added for now, however the debug.keystore is published on the public git repo. For a real app this would not be a safe thing to do. But would require a special local build to be configured, a different url that would be used in the app and the call back and also another entry on for this dev version. There is a TODO to fix this at a later date.

Details on how to setup the assetlinks and verify them can be found here.

Details on how to update the AndroidManifest.xml are here.

The AndroidManifest has been setup so only the following link is captured by the app ‘’.
